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Layout Settings
User Interface Settings
App Layout
Fixed Headerheader is in a fixed at all times
Fixed Navigationleft panel is fixed
Minify NavigationSkew nav to maximize space
Hide Navigationroll mouse on edge to reveal
Top NavigationRelocate left pane to top
Boxed LayoutEncapsulates to a container
Fixed Background
Mobile Menu
Push ContentContent pushed on menu reveal
No OverlayRemoves mesh on menu reveal
Off-Canvas (beta)Content overlaps menu
Bigger Content Fontcontent fonts are bigger for readability
High Contrast Text (WCAG 2 AA)4.5:1 text contrast ratio
Daltonism (beta)color vision deficiency
Preloader Insidepreloader will be inside content
SmartPanel Iconssmartpanel buttons will appear as icons
Global Modifications
Clean Page Backgroundadds more whitespace
Hide Navigation Iconsinvisible navigation icons
Disable CSS AnimationDisables CSS based animations
Hide Info CardHides info card from left panel
Lean Subheaderdistinguished page header
Hierarchical NavigationClear breakdown of nav links
Global Font Size (RESETS ON REFRESH)
Change root font size to effect rem
The settings below uses localStorage to load
the external CSS file as an overlap to the base css. Due to network latency and CPU utilization, you may
experience a brief flickering effect on page load which may show the intial applied theme for a split
second. Setting the prefered style/theme in the header will prevent this from happening.